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July 02, 2008 News and Trends

Cory Doctorow at ALA

Wed, 02 Jul 2008 06:53:07 PDT
Cory Doctorow at ALA Originally uploaded by cindiann. Well, if that’s isn’t something. Someone gave Cory Doctorow a Library Society of the World Ribbon! (It’s the black and gold one under his nametag). If you are not sure what LSW is, then maybe you should check out the Meebo Room and find out. But first, you’ll have to contact me to get the password. Librarians of the World unite!

Celebrity & Entertainment News

Sun, 09 Mar 2008 09:49:40 PDT
Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Movie News, Music News, TV News - AOL News,World News

The Beachbody and P90X Business Opportunity

Wed, 02 Jul 2008 06:46:08 PDT
I don't talk very much on this site about the Beachbody business opportunity, but this video from the Beachbody News Network does a great job of showing that Beachbody is more than just the company that created P90X!

The Small Moments

Wed, 02 Jul 2008 07:52:12 PDT
I really hope all of you out there are very very human. Otherwise, this post is going to make me look like a monster. I don't know if it's the moody San Francisco summer weather, how overworked I've been, or just a funk I've been going through, but I have recently caught myself being...ahem, a little catty. Now don't get me wrong. I don't want to be catty. I want to be sweet, and kind, and fair, and good. And during some periods of my life, it's so easy to be all of those things. You know the

Tick. Tock. Is your DS ready for it?

Wed, 02 Jul 2008 08:43:45 PDT
The clock. The ticking, which sounds exactly like the ticking when you start up your beloved, classic Chrono Trigger game. The gears are grinding slowly though surely to remind us that Chrono Trigger, our beloved classic is getting a make over. As with all announcements of such vast importance, and what can be more important than Chrono Trigger coming to the DS, comes great speculation. Already the holiday release date has been tainted by those ne’er do wells who wish to claim that this may we

AT&T announces good news for new users of the original iPhon

Wed, 02 Jul 2008 07:00:13 PDT
AT&T confirmed today that the current 2G plans that we are all used to will continue to be available for people who want to either start a new service plan (bought used first generation iPhone) or want to renew service (people on a 1 year plan who bought the iPhone when it first came out).

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